What holds the rainbow down?

What holds the rainbow down?

Words of the angry or angered?

Words with a hashtag or without?

The rainbow is coming down.


What holds the rainbow down?

Words – some, more violent than rocks

Used as shields, more potent than plastic

To wage the war and broken peace

Rainbow come down.


What holds the rainbow down?

Truth – yours or mine?

Power -yours or mine?

Love – yours or mine?

Rainbow come down.


What holds the rainbow down?

The rainbow is coming down.

Rainbow come down.


-Rose-Anne Reynolds

*Illustration by Brandan

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The weight of paper


Kai Reynolds

One day, in 2010 when our son Kai* was in Grade 1 after he had finished the ‘work’ or ‘task’ assigned to him by his teacher he asked for a piece of paper to draw on. This is a daily standard practice in (some) schools – when the child has finished the work they need to do they get to do something else…like draw or read or play with blocks etc. It is one of the earliest, simplest ways we as teachers create a binary in the class between what is work- that has been sanctioned  by the state, the curriculum, the school which COUNTS and then what the children do which is not assessed, valued or recognized as work -usually the drawing, talking or playing. I am making some sweeping generalizations but I am using these assumptions to illustrate a point.

Kai was given a piece of paper ( or went to collect it from the box called scrap paper) and started to draw Hiccup from How to train your dragon, he then asked for another piece of paper  which he glued to the first piece and then proceeded to draw Toothless, the dragon, and then when that page was full he asked for a third piece of paper, and when that was full, a fourth and all these were glued under each other, and then went to the top of the page and added another piece of paper to the left of Hiccup. When he came home that afternoon he was very pleased and continued to work on the piece. It ended up being 3 A4 pieces across and 4 A4 pieces down.

Kai’s teacher aide in Grade 1, a close friend to this day, Lisa Harrison, told me she watched him and he would draw until he got to the edge of the page and then paste the next page and then carry on going  – he had a vision of what it is he wanted to complete, the process was important too – he did not paste 12 pages together and then start drawing, he drew until he had no paper left and then kept going. If you see the one he started with there is more ‘detail’ in that part as he did the 5 pages at school and also had used different colouring pencils, to the ones he used on the next 7 sheets. (The content of the scrap paper will be the material for another blog – it is fascinating what it on the reverse of the drawing).

Fast forward to July 2016, almost exactly 7 years later and I had the privilege of attending the Reggio Africa Area Alliance conference at UCT, where Tiziana Filippini was one of the guest speakers. In one of her two illuminating lectures she spoke about the materials we give children and how it matters that we end up giving them the same size paper, the same colour paper, the same colours of pencil crayons etc…or not give them but make available to them all the time. She explained that their thinking/drawing/feeling changes depending on the size of the paper for example and this reminded me of the drawing Kai had done. I too have been guilty of giving and storing only one size of scrap paper in my classroom – when I was a classroom teacher and usually it was white. I am not saying that the child who wants to draw will only use the paper in the size it is given – many children do what Kai did – they join pieces together, they cut them up and are very creative with the materials they are provided with. The irony is, is that sometimes as teachers we are so stuck in the sameness of what we provide, what is on offer, what we make available and acceptable in our classrooms. There is also a tremendous amount of policing of the resources that children use in some classrooms  – so we tell children not to “waste paper” and not to “waste time”. B ut we don’t acknowledge when we are “wasting children”?

When Kai came home that day I knew this was the most important ‘thing’ he had done for the day – but that would not reflect on his report or any of the other ways schools believe they need to measure success at school. This reminded me about what we value in our classrooms – is it what the children do after we are finished ‘teaching’ them: We need to value who they are talking to and what they are talking about, the great plans they are making, the thinking, the laughing, the staring into space or the staring into the world, the planning required to meet somewhere for lunch, to play a game, to sit together. There is so much we don’t value that is happening all day, every day in schools- which is not reflected in the curriculum or in the planning or on their reports.

So -let’s start evaluating how we refer to what we are doing in class and what is valued by everyone and everything in it. I challenge you – teachers/ parents/ caregivers/ change the size of the paper available –  tear little scraps and if they need something to draw on give them the little scrap or just leave the pritt or sellotape out – we know that children are inherently creative and yearning for ways to express what they know, what they love, what they want to be doing – but if the ‘rotatrim’ lid or box contains the scrap paper they’ve been using for the year then shake things up!

I remain cognisant that for many children paper is a luxury and am grateful that we use and reuse paper as scrap paper. I think we need to relook at the assumptions that are presented to our children not just through the delivery of the curriculum, in our teaching but also in the materials in our classes.

*Kai gave permission for me to use his piece for this blog.






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I’m different now

I don’t think like I used to think
I don’t write like I used to write
I don’t read what I used to read
I don’t look like I used to look
I don’t love like I used to love
I think differently now
I look different now
I sound different now
I move differently now
I breathe differently now
I love differently now
I’m different about difference now.

Rose-Anne Reynoldsimage

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Projecting projects

So this is ‘my’ project, birthed from the water restrictions and a garden with more lawn than needed! So it has no cover page and no list of references! The list of collaborators is long- Devillers our magic fingers gardener, Brandan, Kai,Ella and Speedy and now it’s populated by plants and pots and trinkets from dear family and friends! Other collaborators are the sun, wind, rain and soil, the soccer balls that sometimes bump and the feet that don’t always land on the stumps! It was an idea now a growing, breathing, life giving part of all our days and it started as a project…my wish is that this is what a project could be in school- meaningful, relationship building, conversation creating, silence provoking- there will be no marks ever!image

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Inclusion is…  




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And so the land is lost

And so the land was lost

It now stands vacant

A place holder, like a space bar 
And so the land was lost 

The people too

District Six remains a place on a map

A memory, an urgent reminder of the Group Areas Act
And so the land was lost

Others ask you to forget 

And they describe it as a loss
And so the land was lost

And we write articles, poems, plays

Still the land remains lost 

And the people….
The people know, the people do,

That the land was taken from them and that, cannot be so easily forgiven

The people experience the pain of regret, of a life lived well or lived harshly

People who were born, lived and died in District Six and then were asked, no not asked, then forced to be born, to live and to die everywhere else but in District Six.
And so the land is lost and pain becomes the story.
Rose-Anne Reynolds

*50 plus years ago my mother and her family lived in District Six, 50 years ago they were forcibly removed from District Six, it is one generation ago for me. The pain has become part of my story. 

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Negotiating the first weeks of the new school year


If your children are struggling to bounce out of bed with unlimited enthusiasm because they are taking a bit longer to adjust to their (new) school, class or teacher, acknowledge their sadness and talk to them about what they are feeling.

A young boy I once chatted to said to me : “my mom says I don’t like my new teacher, but how can I like him I barely know him?” Words of wisdom from a 10 year old. I have thought about this a lot since we had that conversation and am cautious about asking my children or any child…do you like your teacher? Think of other ways to engage about your child’s teacher.

Watch your use of adjectives and value laden words- ‘you are going to big school’ or making the teacher out to be the ‘big bad wolf’. Develop some rituals and routines that provide comfort but without being rigid ( it’s not humanly possible for a child to go to bed at the same time every night.)

Khalil Gibran when asked about children : ‘You may strive to be like them but seek not to make them like you…’ Read this more than once when choosing extra murals, after school activities, sporting opportunities, when reading their results, the list is endless.

Try not to compare yourself to other parents, they are not judging you they are deeply concerned about their own children. If they are judging you- then that’s really problematic for their own children -as they are not focussing their energy where they should.

Try not to obsess about play dates I don’t necessarily think Aristotle and Plato had play dates, this is a very middle class phenomenon, some children will make good friends quickly, some will make friends more slowly what you want your child to do is develop around the biggest diversity the species can offer and delight in their and their friends differences! When we arrange play dates we also challenge the natural order of friendships that develop because of proximity, common interests and even because of perceived ‘boredom.’

Your children need time playing on their own- even without you. It’s invaluable for children to learn to be on their own this helps the introverts and shy children who have spent the better part of their day in a busy classroom in a busy playground surrounded by lots of children and people, regroup. It helps the extroverts who love interaction to learn what silence and aloneness feels like so that it is not so foreign when it is required of them in life.

At the beginning of every school year there are new skills to acquire, routines to establish, subjects, homework,sports, musical instruments and extra murals to learn. So, when talking about your child and when talking to them a word of caution : Please do not use the word never to describe what they can do as in …they will never be able to… As an adult you would not say I will never break my arm, because you just don’t know…with children there are things we just don’t know either so instead of using a limiting set of beliefs as your reference point, choose the opposite…endless possibilities…

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Be brave, be kind, but be true! The children know, they really do!

Dear Teachers
When thinking about what to celebrate about a child in your class – if they are going to receive a certificate at a year end ceremony if the citation seems kinder than necessary then it’s probably just right! I have worked with thousands of children in my life and none of them are going home everyday to a perfect home, where they are affirmed for being amazing every second of the day! 

Our children live with loss, disappointment, fear, grief, anger, the knowledge that crime is real and can and does affect their families and communities. They live with the loss of loved ones through slow, painful illnesses. They live with the struggle of not knowing how to be be a good friend or having someone not being a good friend to them. Some of our children struggle with reading, being organized, with sharing their thoughts on paper or memorizing the facts for a test. Some really struggle to sit quietly in class for one minute some struggle to sit quietly for anything longer than one minute. They know and feel their shortcomings, sometimes it’s loud and clear like the clanging of two symbols when their inadequacies are laid bare and other times it’s a slow beating of a drum….so dear teachers write a citation on their certificate that is true….that resonates with their souls, that can be smiled at from deep within – Please. To those of you who get this right thank you. For those of you who are learning…. Thank you for trying. 
Ps. Children know when adults are lying or being insincere- I believe that they have known this since the beginning of time- so give them the benefit of the doubt- be brave – be kind-but be true.💛

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Read your child’s report like it is the beginning of the story…

Read your child’s report as if it is the beginning of the story…If you were to give yourself a report on your parenting for this quarter or semester, what would you write about yourself? If your child had to write a report about you or their teacher, what would they write?

Teachers and schools are required by law to provide the children with a written report. It in and of itself is not the absolute indicator of what your child is or is not capable of. When your child was born you did not expect to receive a manual, use that same common sense when reading their report. Their report is not a complete rendering of their life here on earth. Put it in perspective.

Please don’t read the criteria as absolutes. A ‘no’ on a report is not necessarily bad. For example, if your child is social/likes company and people then if it says they find it hard to sit quietly at their table- that is a statement of fact- it’s true of their character- it’s not negative! They genuinely like to chat and enjoy being with people.

If your child is not able to take turns again this is not negative, just an indicator of something you can work on- play a game at dinner which involves waiting for one person to finish speaking/eating/telling a joke before the next person eats/speaks or tells their joke. In the car- set up a roster between the siblings which determines who gets a window seat or gets to get into the car first ( this may help with getting to school on time) or who baths first every night, sets the table, loads or unloads the dishwasher- that’s turn taking!

If your child struggles with aspects of language please make an appointment with the teacher to determine which part exactly! Too often a global mark makes you think your child struggles with English/Afrikaans/Xhosa… That would be like giving yourself a mark for being married or dating – which part is difficult and which part is easy….which part is a challenge and which part is a breeze? For example, which part of the language is a struggle- is it preparing for orals and presenting ideas out loud in front of a group, reading aloud, recognizing words or making meaning, grammar,comprehensions, writing, spelling or phonics. Be specific about the details. Celebrate the parts that come easily or your child copes with well, and take it as an opportunity to learn the aspects that present a challenge.

Read your child’s report differently this term than the terms before. It is one measure of how your child is doing as a human being. It may or may not be a reflection of you- depending on your level of neuroses. It is an opportunity to ask questions and recognize your child’s characteristics as a human being!

Most importantly don’t forget to look for the most important characteristics or values you want your child to learn: opportunities they should have everyday in their schools to practice acts of love, kindness, tolerance, collaboration, empathy, creativity, critical thinking, compassion and courage…if it’s not reflected in your child’s report that is okay as long as they KNOW these are the values and characteristics we need in the newest human beings on the planet.image

Read your child’s report like it is the beginning of a story- not the end! And if it’s the end let it be the beginning of a beautiful sequel, trilogy or series!

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The curriculum is just a guide…

The curriculum is just a guide…children go to school to learn far more than the curriculum….

Children come to school to experience …












They come to school to…

Learn how to live






Share birthday joy

Share losing a pet grief

Share parents getting divorced sadness






Make art

Find their voice

Lose their voice

Learn rules

Obey authority

Question authority

Take turns

Forget to take turns

Be frustrated

Be accepted

Be Included

Be Excluded

Meet new, interesting people who are different to them

Meet the same people, who are just like them

Learn how to think critically, creatively and philosophically

Learn to think a lot sometimes and just a little at other times

Practice having their point of view heard

Be understood and disagreed with

Have fun

Be anxious about tests and orals and learn about their anxiety, and mostly be supported to overcome their anxiety

Play games: imaginary games, games yet to be invented and games from years ago

Make rules

Break rules

Watch Popular culture explosions rise and fade away

Navigate their families’ values and find them matched or mismatched with the schools value system

See how the world works when it is fair and just or unfair and unjust

Hear languages that they are familiar and unfamiliar with and they get to see that all languages are precious and meaningful, to their friends and themselves.

Children do not primarily go to school learn the content of the curriculum. The curriculum is secondary, it is a guide- it is meant to maintain standards and to measure big groups. It is just                  a small part of what your children come to school to learn, to do, to be!

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